Rules of Citation

All articles submitted need to meet the rules of citation listed below. This represents a requirement for the acceptance of the article.

Within the body of the article all citations should be made using the APA style.

Reference list citations

1. Books
Author, year of publication, title, publisher


Jans, N. (1993). The last light breaking: Life among Alaska’s Inupiat Eskimos. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Northwest Books.

2. Articles

Author(s), year, title, journal, issue, pages


Oguisso, T. (1999). Professional nursing in Brazil. International Nursing Review, 43, 81-94.

3. Newspaper articles

Author, year, date, title, newspaper, location, page


Padilla, H. (2000, June 6). Hugo prohibits custom animal slaughter; the vote will officially close a Hmong slaughterhouse, where animals were sacrificed for religious reasons. Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), p. 1B.

4. Internet

  • Websites (NOT from an online database)

Title, date of retrieval, website name, hyperlink


The Amish, the Mennonites, and the Plain People. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2000 from Pennsylvania Dutch Country Welcome Center Web site:

  • Online journals

Title, date, journal, issue, pages, date of retrieval, hyperlink


Outbreak news. (2001, February 23). Weekly Epidemiological Record, 76, 57-64. Retrieved February 28, 2001 from

  • Online newspapers (from an online database)

Author, date, title, newspaper, page, date of retrieval, database


Padilla, H. (2000, June 6). Hugo prohibits custom animal slaughter; the vote will officially close a Hmong slaughterhouse, where animals were sacrificed for religious reasons. Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN), p. 1B. Retrieved February 28, 2001 from Lexis-Nexis Universe/General News database.

In-text citations

The entire work: (Author name, year) example (Smith, 2007)

A specific page: (Author name, year, page) example (Smith, 2007, p.76)

For more information, check the APA style of citation rules.