International Conference on Conflict and Climate Change Proceedings

The topic of climate change is on the agenda of all international bodies around the world and has a lot of mass-media coverage. What is less known the role climate change is playing regarding the emergence or escalation of conflicts across the world, with a preponderance in the Global South. Many researchers seem to agree that climate change is not necessarily the main cause of these conflicts, but rather and “accelerator” or “threat multiplier”, meaning that, although the usual suspects for conflict occurrence—poverty, resource scarcity, bad governance, corruption, the presence of failed or fragile states, etc. remain the same, climate change brings a far faster escalation and deeper radicalization. These being said, the Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania) and the University of Port Harcourt (Nigeria) come up with the idea of an international conference on the topic of Conflict and climate change, with the overall goal of bringing together academics and practitioners in the field of conflict, environmental, political, economic and social sciences studies from all over the world, to create a platform on which they can exchange ideas, disseminate their research and develop networking opportunities for future research and, why not, joint research projects.

The event was a huge success and gathered more than 30 academia and experts who shared their research results in front of the participants on topics regarding the way climate change influence the day-by-day interactions between people, the negative impact on the economy and how this situation is used by different non-state actors in their advantage, to name but a few.

The present book includes a selection of the papers presented in all three panels of the conference (Migration, Conflict and Climate Change, Food Insecurity and Food Control, and Public Policy, Terrorism and Other Topics). We have decided to publish these materials because we wanted to draw attention to these topics and because we wanted to to disseminate the materials discussed during the conference for a larger public, generating the so much needed scientific debate to find efficient solutions to the problems created by what now it is generally accepted as “the challenge of the 21st century”.

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