Call for papers – CSQ 27
The 27th issue of the Conflict Studies Quarterly is scheduled to be published in April 2019. We are now receiving manuscripts, which should be related to conflict analysis and management, study cases on organizational and international conflicts, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
Regarding the articles submitted for CSQ27, we have the following information:
1. Due to an overwhelming submission and publication of Boko Haram-related articles, we will stop for the moment accepting articles on this topic.
2. Due to the overwhelming submission and publication of articles related to Nigeria, we will prioritize articles that will cover other countries/regions.
3. CSQ will prioritize the articles covering topics such as traditional conflict management practices, conflict analysis of large-scale conflicts or articles of methodology and analysis of negotiation and mediation techniques, organizational conflict or related to public policy.
The Conflict Studies Quarterly (CSQ) is published and supervised by a group of scholars of the Conflict Studies Center, affiliated to the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The journal was developed as a response to the scarcity of publications on conflict analysis and management in Romania. It is, at this time, the only journal that covers this field.
CSQ is already listed in EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Thomson Reuters’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal remains under evaluation for possible coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS, Cabell’s Directories, Proquest, Journalseek and JSTOR.
Those of you who want to contribute should send a title and a 400 words description of their proposed article by 1st of February, 2019. The complete article is expected no later than November 24, 2019.
Please send your proposal at
Issue 25 – October 2018
TOPICS: Mediation, Negotiation, New Media, Consent Theory of Power, Nomadic Migrancy and Rural Violence
Christian Chereji and Ciprian Sandu
Call for papers – CSQ 26
The 26th issue of the Conflict Studies Quarterly is scheduled to be published in January 2019. We are now receiving manuscripts, which should be related to conflict analysis and management, study cases on organizational and international conflicts, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
Regarding the articles submitted for CSQ26, we have the following information:
1. Due to an overwhelming submission and publication of Boko Haram-related articles, we will stop for the moment accepting articles on this topic.
2. Due to the overwhelming submission and publication of articles related to Nigeria, we will prioritize articles that will cover other countries/regions.
3. CSQ will prioritize the articles covering topics such as traditional conflict management practices, conflict analysis of large-scale conflicts or articles of methodology and analysis of negotiation and mediation techniques, organizational conflict or related to public policy.
The Conflict Studies Quarterly (CSQ) is published and supervised by a group of scholars of the Conflict Studies Center, affiliated to the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The journal was developed as a response to the scarcity of publications on conflict analysis and management in Romania. It is, at this time, the only journal that covers this field.
CSQ is already listed in EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Thomson Reuters’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal remains under evaluation for possible coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS, Cabell’s Directories, Proquest, Journalseek and JSTOR.
Those of you who want to contribute should send a title and a 400 words description of their proposed article by 1st of November, 2018. The complete article is expected no later than November 20, 2018.
Please send your proposal at
Call for papers – CSQ 25
The 25th issue of the Conflict Studies Quarterly is scheduled to be published in October 2018. We are now receiving manuscripts, which should be related to conflict analysis and management, study cases on organizational and international conflicts, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
Regarding the articles submitted for CSQ25, we have the following information:
1. Due to an overwhelming submission and publication of Boko Haram-related articles, we will stop for the moment accepting articles on this topic.
2. Due to the overwhelming submission and publication of articles related to Nigeria, we will prioritize articles that will cover other countries/regions.
3. CSQ will prioritize the articles covering topics such as traditional conflict management practices, conflict analysis of large-scale conflicts or articles of methodology and analysis of negotiation and mediation techniques, organizational conflict or related to public policy.
The Conflict Studies Quarterly (CSQ) is published and supervised by a group of scholars of the Conflict Studies Center, affiliated to the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The journal was developed as a response to the scarcity of publications on conflict analysis and management in Romania. It is, at this time, the only journal that covers this field.
CSQ is already listed in EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Thomson Reuters’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal remains under evaluation for possible coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS, Cabell’s Directories, Proquest, Journalseek and JSTOR.
Those of you who want to contribute should send a title and a 400 words description of their proposed article by August 10, 2018. The complete article is expected no later than 1st of September, 2018.
Please send your proposal at
Issue 24 – July 2018
TOPICS: Traditional Conflict Resolution Practices, Kris Romani, Moro National Liberation Front, DDR, Regional Security, Rural Banditry
Christian Chereji and Ciprian Sandu
Issue 23 – April 2018
TOPICS: Islamic State, Tutsi, Genocide, Small Arms Proliferation, Traditional Conflict Resolution Practices
Christian Chereji and Ciprian Sandu
Call for papers – CSQ 24
The 24th issue of the Conflict Studies Quarterly is scheduled to be published in July 2018. We are now receiving manuscripts, which should be related to conflict analysis and management, study cases on organizational and international conflicts, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
The Conflict Studies Quarterly (CSQ) is published and supervised by a group of scholars of the Conflict Studies Center, affiliated to the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The journal was developed as a response to the scarcity of publications on conflict analysis and management in Romania. It is, at this time, the only journal that covers this field.
CSQ is already listed in EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Thomson Reuters’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal remains under evaluation for possible coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS, Cabell’s Directories, Proquest, Journalseek and JSTOR.
Those of you who want to contribute should send a title and a 400 words description of their proposed article by May 10, 2018. The complete article is expected no later than May 20, 2017.
Please send your proposal at
Issue 22 – January 2018
TOPICS: Managing Violent Conflicts, ECOWAS, Comparative ADR, Conflict Transformation, Extremism, Traditional Conflict Resolution
Christian Chereji and Ciprian Sandu
Call for papers – CSQ 23
The 23rd issue of the Conflict Studies Quarterly is scheduled to be published in April 2018. We are now receiving manuscripts, which should be related to conflict analysis and management, study cases on organizational and international conflicts, mediation and alternative dispute resolution.
The Conflict Studies Quarterly (CSQ) is published and supervised by a group of scholars of the Conflict Studies Center, affiliated to the College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The journal was developed as a response to the scarcity of publications on conflict analysis and management in Romania. It is, at this time, the only journal that covers this field.
CSQ is already listed in EBSCO, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and in Thomson Reuters’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The journal remains under evaluation for possible coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), SCOPUS, Cabell’s Directories, Proquest, Journalseek and JSTOR.
Those of you who want to contribute should send a title and a 400 words description of their proposed article by 1st of February, 2018. The complete article is expected no later than February 18, 2017.
Please send your proposal at